We Are Making Room For Our Future
On the right hand side of your screen you'll see a heading entitled Important Sites to Visit. Right under that title it says We Are Making Room For Our Future. That link contains the Special Announcement of February 3, 2019 regarding the details for our big move.
Also: Check out the
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) on the upper right side of your screen: lots of good information about the move to the Methodist church.
More to come....
Greetings, All--
1. Construction Contract Signed: Our contract with Milo Construction was signed on Friday, February 1, so our building project can proceed! Special thanks to Jim Highsmith, Joan Mulcahy, Robert Nichols, and Larry Sherwood for their significant contributions of time and expertise during our contract negotiations.
2. Office moving to Longmont: Our office is moving to Office Evolution in Longmont this week. (Our mailing address and phone number will remain the same.) Office Manager Carol Pranschke is overseeing the packing and moving of the office and equipment. That process should be finished on Thursday, February 7.
3. Last Service in our Building and Groundbreaking: Our last Sunday service in our building will be on February 10; it will be a single service starting at 10:00 a.m.Please join us for the Groundbreaking ceremony following the service!
4. Final Packing Parties - February 9, 10, 11: All hands on deck! See important message from the Building Committee's Transition Team below!
5. Pledges Up to date: A big thanks to those who heeded our call to pay on your pledges in December! Treasurer Joan Mulcahy reports that our pledge receipts are now in line with where we have stood at this time in the previous 2 fiscal years!
So ... our Year of Adventure continues! As we move forward, let's all keep in mind this year's congregational goal: Maintaining and Strengthening Our Connections.
In community,
Marky Lloyd
Board President
Important Message from Building Committee's Transition Team
Construction will start as soon as we are out of the building, or even before! We need to pack up EVERYTHING not nailed down, and some things that ARE nailed down and store it in the pods or move it to its temporary location for the next nine months.
We need EVERYONE WHO CAN to help sort, pack, move, take things off the walls, etc. Please plan to spend a little time helping out this week.
These are the times we will be working as a group:
Saturday February 9
10 am- 2 pm (or longer)
Packing up everything except what we need for Sunday's service. Moving it into the storage unit or barn.
People with TRUCKS are appreciated: they can take some furniture to be donated.
Sunday February 10
11 am-12:30 pm
Help move to storage after service: chairs, tables, dais furniture, kids' furniture, welcome desk, etc.
Healthy snacks will be available.
Monday February 11
9 am- 1 pm
Move the kitchen, move AV equipment
Move anything left from Sunday
Please contact Ellen Saunders Duncan if you have childcare needs.