Wednesday night, May 23rd, the Board passed the following motion to proceed with the building project:
The Board and the Building Committee recommend that the Congregation approve the following motion:
BVUUF shall proceed with the construction phase of the building project. The budget shall not exceed $3.95 million, which includes a construction loan that converts to a long term loan. Effective July 1, 2021, related loan payments will become part of the BVUUF annual operating budget.
Information Sessions:
Please consider attending one of the Information Sessions on the Building Project Budget and the 2018-19 Operating Budget:
1. Sunday, May 27 right after the single10 am service
2. Wednesday, May 30 at 10am
3. Wednesday, May 30 at 7pm
All Info Sessions will be held in the sanctuary
Annual Congregational Meeting
Please do everything in your power to be present at the Annual Congregational Meeting when we make a major decision regarding the building project, Saturday, June 2nd
- 5pm - 8pm in the sanctuary.
Remote participation by Zoom for travelers is available. See Connections Weekly for more information.