Saturday, November 4, 2017

Goal, Interviews, Collaboration, City of Lafayette, Schematic, Timeline!

Building Committee Update, November 4, 2017

Goal:  This past Thursday, Nov. 2, the Building Committee, the Board, and the Combined Capital Campaign Committee met to discuss progress, next steps, and specific motions to bring to the congregation at our Nov. 12 congregational meeting. Larry Sherwood presented the results of the Capital Campaign Feasibility Study which was very positive. The discussion that followed focused on the fundraising goal for our capital campaign. That goal will be announced at the Nov. 12 meeting.

Construction/Builder Interviews:  On Tuesday and Wednesday of this past week Jim Highsmith, David Burrous, and Kevin Muller interviewed the 3 builders who submitted bids for our project. The full committee will interview the two finalists next Wednesday. 

Collaborative Team:  We want a builder who can work with BVUUF and our architect during pre-construction (now) as well as construction. We think that having a collaborative team of Barrett Architects, a builder, and our congregation gives us the best approach for a successful project. We learned a lot from talking to the three firms. We explored similarities and differences in their cost estimates and project approach.

City of Lafayette:  The objective of the next phase of our project is to submit our Site Plan and Architecture Review documents to the city of Lafayette for approval. We need to have our overall designs reasonably complete for this submittal, so there is a substantial amount of engineering work (civil, mechanical, landscape, energy, etc.) that needs to be completed.

Schematic Design:  In addition, we will engage ministers, staff, and committees in another iteration of needs assessments to move from our current conceptual design to what the architects refer to as schematic design. Our goal would be to have the city’s approval by the time the capital campaign is completed so we could quickly move into the construction phase. You can see our current "guestimate" of a timeline from now until move in the sidebar list of information.

The Timeline! is located on the right side of your screen under the title Important Sites to Visit.  Click on: Timeline!.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

On the right side of the screen you will see a column titled Important Sites to Visit.    Click on the first item:  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).