Friday, March 22, 2019

Footing Excavation and Site Clearing in the South Parking Lot

  1. Rolled out the water meter and hoses and at the end of day pulled them all in and secured the meter. 
  2. Conducted the stormwater perimeter walk.
  3. Removed tree at corner of north classroom wing.
  4. Continuing on compacting and fine grading of the footing trench bottom.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Footing Excavation & Site Clearing in the south parking lot

 South Parking Lot

 East Lawn

 South Parking Lot

 Removing Sidewalk North Side

 Excavating for Footers for New Sanctuary

 Building Committee Members Check the Progress

 Former Sidewalk on East Side

 East of the RE Wing

Excavating for the New Foundation