Friday, May 5, 2017

Additional Opportunity to Ask Questions Prior to the Stay/Go Vote.

There will be a Q and A session on, in front of the sanctuary,  Sunday, May 28th, after the single 10 AM service, from 11AM - 12 Noon.

Members of the Building Committee will be available to answer your questions regarding the Stay/Go vote to be held at the Annual Congregational Meeting on Saturday (NOT Sunday), June 3rd from 5-8 PM in the sanctuary.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

It’s Time to Make Our First Major Building Project Decision!

2nd Town Hall Meeting and Annual Congregational Meeting

Now begins the hard part! 

In our multi-year building project there will be times when the fellowship members, as a whole, need to make major decisions. Our Annual Congregational Meeting on June 3 will be the time for our first one. 

This decision is whether to stay on our current property and remodel/build additions; or, purchase property and build a completely new facility (unless there is a structure in place to remodel)— to Stay, or to Go.

The building committee has worked hard gathering data, talking to architects, builders, and real estate agents. We have looked at high-level plans for remodeling, and gotten numbers for new building square footage costs. We have looked at tangibles (cost) and intangibles (visibility).

Providing you with this data will be the focus of our 2nd Town Hall meeting scheduled for Sunday, May 21 after second service. Much discussion will ensue and the Committee will work hard to answer all of your questions.  No vote will be taken at this time.  

At the Annual Congregational Meeting on June 3rd, we will then vote on the decision 
to Stay or Go.

Please plan to attend these two events (May 21st and June 3rd) to get the information you need to make your decision and provide the committee with comments and suggestions.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Timeline (Concise)



April 23

Town Hall meeting #1 at 12:15 PM:


Discussion:  We will discuss our work to date, outline the building requirements we have gathered from many sources, and discuss priorities.
Sunday, May 21

Town Hall meeting #2 at 12:15pm:  Discuss our Stay/Go decision information.

Tuesday, May 23

Board Vote: Building Committee’s Stay/Go recommendation.

Sunday, May 28

Q and A in the front of the Sanctuary, after the single 10 AM service, from 11:15 AM - 12 Noon.

End of May

Choose an Architect

Architectural Work Begins

Saturday, June 3

Annual Congregational Meeting: Vote on Stay/Go decision

Board Meeting:  Vote on conducting the capital campaign feasibility study & budget
Early September

Town Hall #3:  Presentation of architectural building concepts prior to the Capital Campaign Feasibility Study.

Late September/
Early October

Capital Campaign Feasibility Study