Friday, February 15, 2019

Week One: Preparing for Destruction & Construction!

Week One:  We're finally moved out and it looks a little sad.

The Ad Hoc Chair Moving Committee
We didn't even need to use the defibrillator!

Fences coming down.  Need some firewood? Help yourself.

See you Sunday at the First United Methodist Church of Lafayette! 1255 Centaur Village Dr., Lafayette, CO 80026
One Service and School of the Spirit at 12:30 PM
Coffee Hour:  12:00 to 12:30 AND 1:30 - 2:00

Monday, February 11, 2019

A Weaving Metaphor

How is building and remodeling a building like weaving a beautiful piece of cloth?  
The similarities are fascinating.

BVUUF Building Committee & Milo Construction Co.

A Weaving Metaphor

Our UU 7th principle:
Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.

Creating and maintaining a tight-knit, high performing, quality relationship between Milo Construction Co. and the BVUUF Building Committee is like weaving a fine piece of fabric:
  • It must have a plan and it takes lots of research. So many decisions: How large?  How Long? What kind of fiber?  How much time & money is available?
  • It's woven under tension. Too little and the weaving will sag.  Too much and the threads will snap.  We adjust the tension often.
  • It must have a strong warp.  In Navajo rug weaving, you can't see the warp.  Those are the threads in the interior of the rug.  The warp threads work behind the scenes and keep the backbone of the rug strong and durable.  Are you a warp thread?
  • It must have a beautiful weft.  This is the pattern that you can see.  It is woven one thread at a time. Some brightly colored threads are attention-getting and used for show; other more muted ones must harmonize and complement the others.  Are you a weft thread?
  • One must make repairs as the cloth is in progress. A weaver asks for help when things begin to literally fall apart. And, it’s important to admit one’s mistakes.
  • There must be no loose ends.  When the fabric is finished, all the ends are tied off.  It's important not to unravel! 
Milo Construction Co., we have chosen you to be interwoven into our lives and guide us along our path to meet our goal of a renovated, environmentally-friendly, innovative, organic, spiritual and welcoming building.

As a token of the interdependent web of existence that we now find ourselves in with Milo Construction Co., the Building Committee presented each of their employees with a small handwoven tartan sample to remind them of this important relationship.