Friday, July 21, 2017

Meeting with the Architects and 35' Holes on the Property? Not prairie dogs!

Meeting with the architects

Thursday night, at the Building Committee's regular meeting we met with 3 representatives from Barret Studio to brainstorm some conceptual ideas about remodeling the Fellowship.

David Barret, the principal architect explained why we had come together.

Thank you for joining us with open eyes and minds for our 
first conceptual design review meeting!
Our goal for this time together is to share with you what we see when we look at 
your property and begin a dialogue about locations and forms for a beautiful, 
inspirational and well-organized addition and remodel. We’ll be focusing on the 
‘big picture’, steering the conversation towards pro’s and con’s of various schemes.  
We’re eager to hear your feedback, this is an open forum!

Please make sure that you've marked September 10th on your calendar for a Town Hall Meeting to Meet the Architects, right after service. This will be your opportunity to hear more about possible conceptual designs.

35' Holes on the Property?  Not prairie dogs!

Click here:  A "Boring" Video Clip

There are now 2-35 foot deep holes (4 inch diameter) on the property, plugged with a piece of plywood, and covered with a pile of dirt around them.  Kevin the Borer has to return next week to check the holes for water table issues, so the holes are still, well, "holes".  They are well marked with an orange stick, please avoid and warn others.  They'll be filled next week.

 Unfortunately, the hole on the west side had to be drilled in a parking space.  The original site would have ended up going through our gas/electric/water/sewer lines.  Not good!   So, we moved the drill site about 3 feet to the west.  It is also well marked with an orange stick.

Monday, July 17, 2017

The Storage Plan: Find -> Review -> Sort ->Toss or Save


To:       Any BVUUF Committee, Department or Member                            
            with Items in Storage                                                                              
From:    Building Committee, Storage Sub-Committee                                                         
Re:       Ministry Space* vs Storage Space                                                           
Date:     July 19, 2017

*Think of ministry space as prime real estate.  If the space doesn’t  enhance ministry, then it may not be the best use of space.
(Greg Snider, Aspen Group)

Dear Friends:

The Storage Sub-Committee of the Building Committee has spent the last couple of weeks listing every single item that we could find that is in storage in the Barn, Shed, Shed Annex, Sanctuary, RE Wing, and Member’s homes.  In addition to items in storage, we now have a list of all of the Furniture, Fixtures, & Equipment.  Everything is listed on a spreadsheet that is over 40 pages long, that is very easy and convenient to read. The contents of the Office, Mail Room, Ministers’ Office and RE-Office were not inventoried.

In order for the Building Committee to determine how much (if any)  storage space each committee or department needs, in the newly renovated building, it is imperative to Find -> Review -> Sort -> Toss or Save  the “stuff” that is already being stored.

Here’s what we’d like you to do, from the inspiration of Greg Snider, Aspen Group:

Go through all of the items you think you need to store and determine its real value to your ministry. Are there items you’ve had on hand for years and never used? Maybe it’s time to discard them, especially if they’re in disrepair. Ruthlessly purge anything that’s not used regularly. If you can’t bring yourself to throw things away, then plan a garage sale, or donate your used items to another church who may need them. Consider it good stewardship of your space.

The Sub-Committee on Storage has tried very hard to determine what belongs to whom.  It was an almost impossible task.  We know that we saw items in storage that we think could belong to one or more of the following Committees, Departments or Members of the BVUUF.  But there could be others that we missed.  Please let us know if there are additions to this list.

      Main Office (archived financial records)
      Board (archived minutes, agendas, policies, historical items, UUFB programs)
      Board/Office (year-end financial reports and other important documents.)
      Capital Campaign Committee (HOOO archival documents?)
      School of the Spirit (COA, OWL, arts and crafts, curricula documents, etc.)
      Adult RE (A-RE) (archives, minutes, etc.)
      Summer Camp (materials, equipment)
      Historical Archives (Board, Grounds, Communications, UUCB, UUFB, HOOO, BVUUF, bound collections of sermons, etc.)
      Neighborhood Connectors (medical supplies & equipment, infant/senior blankets, etc.)

      Committee on Shared Ministry
      Yoga/Meditation (supplies)
      33 copies of assorted blueprints (to be kept in a safe, dry place.)
      Auction (archives, supplies)
      Audio/Visual Team (old sound board, speakers?)
      Communications (historical archives)
      Grounds & Landscaping Team (historical archives, ladders, misc. broken parts; paint, etc. )
      RE Director (Curriculum Guides, archival materials, etc.)

Here’s our plan:

1.        Get a copy of the Storage Catalogue File (S.C.File) from David Burrous ( Cell phone: 303-503-3566).  He will have paper copies available for your committee or group.  If you prefer to have an electronic pdf file, he can send that to you by email and you can print off your own copy.
2.        Get some self-adhesive white mailing labels from David.
3.        Meet with your committee and look through the S.C.File.  Highlight or Check-off the items for which you believe your committee is responsible.
4.        Find the space(s) where your “stuff” is stored.  It might be in more than 1 space.
5.        Review the “stuff”.  Sort: Make a determination regarding its “disposition”. 
6.        Fill out the self-adhesive mailing label with  Date and Disposition. 
7.        Attach the adhesive label to the container so that it is easily visible.

8.        Leave the “stuff” where it is, unless you are tossing it and there is room in the BVUUF dumpster.
9.        In column F of the S.C.File, write down what the disposition of your “stuff” was.  (“T” = trash; “S” = shred; “D” = donate. “Other”: indicate what that means.
10.     When you are finished indicating the disposition of your “stuff”, return the S.C.File to David.  He will then enter that information in the digital file.
11.     Toss or Save:  If there is not enough room in the BVUUF dumpster, leave your “stuff” in place.  We will hire a dumpster if we need additional space for discard.

12.     By September 1, 2017 we will arrange to shred all boxes of documents which are labelled “shred”. We will hire a professional shredding company if need be.
13.     Note: NEW BANKERS’ BOXES:   It is much more convenient if all of the boxes of saved documents are identically sized “banker’s boxes”.  They are clean, easy to stack, and convenient for reading label information.    Please throw out or recycle all old cardboard boxes. They have outlived their usefulness. We will have new ones available. Plastic bins with matching lids can be re-used.  Otherwise, discard the container after conferring with David to secure a new container.
14.     On the side of the box under the space where the handle hole is, there is a section for “COMMENTS”.  On a self-adhesive white label, write TODAY'S DATE, and the CONTENTS.  If the documents have a “shelf-life” like financial records, write the DATE TO BE DISCARDED.  Affix the self-adhesive label to the box beneath the handle hole.
15.     Note:  We will inform you regarding the dates for additional shredding and discarding.  Please help us then with the disposition of your “stuff”.  Containers that are correctly labeled should make it very easy to determine their disposition.