Tuesday, February 19, 2019


Day 1:  DES-truction comes before CON-struction.

There's no going back!

 Lydia's office

 The Foyer

Oh my!! Destruction is an understatement.!! We truly are on our way....gulp. 
(Joan Mulcahy)

 RE Wing

Yea!! for the permit.  Everything is falling into place.
(Debbie Lane)

 RE Wing


 The Sanctuary

From the Sanctuary looking into Lydia's office

The Foyer and Cuddle Room

 The Office

Looks like we're committed to doing this project! 
(Prue Larson)

 The Sanctuary

Roll-Offs at the ready!

As soon as we get the storm water permits from the state, Milo will put up the fencing.
(Jim Highsmith)


  1. WOW!! No going back now, I guess. Thanks for the photos!

  2. Not sure whether to say "oh Yikes!" or "Hallelujah! "
