Friday, September 21, 2018

The importance of the "F" word --- Flexibility!

Since the beginning of this building project, we've operated on a very ambitious timeline, and, for the most part, happily met our target deadlines.  As we've added more people into the mix -- contractors and sub-contractors, the City Planning Department, etc -- we've introduced more variables into the building project.  So, alas, after several years of hard work and planning, we've hit the first delay in our process.

On Thursday evening, the Board, Building Committee and architect met to discuss the status of the project.  We learned that the permitting/bidding process will take longer than we'd anticipated, by at least a couple of months.  As of this blogpost, we do not have our building permits, although we continue to expect everything to be approved.  More important, we are still in negotiations with our contractor.  It was only Thursday evening that we saw the contractor's formal bid.  To allow time for thoughtful analysis and planning, the Board has decided to delay the move to Angevine Middle School.

Stay tuned as the Building Committee and Board exercise due diligence overseeing our building project.  Rest assured, we'll continue to keep the congregation informed of our progress.

While this sudden shift in plans may come as a surprise, delays are a part of every construction project, and will certainly be a part of this Year of Adventure we have before us.  More important than any timeline is our willingness to stay connected as we ride through the inevitable changes to Make Room for our Future.


  1. No worries, we can go with the flow.

  2. Thanks for this and all of the updates - it has helped me stayed informed at the level I want and need. And thanks to the committee for all of the great and thoughtful work done so far.
