Friday, August 24, 2018

Banners and Sandwich Boards

The following two signs will guide you to our services when we move to Angevine MS, Sunday, September 30.  On that day we will gather first at BVUUF on Ceres Drive and caravan over to our new place for Sunday services.

The first one, below, is a 3' X 9' banner.  When construction begins at the Fellowship, there will be a chain link fence surrounding the property.  We will mount a banner at each former driveway to remind you that you need to proceed to Angevine MS.

The banner will also remind our neighbors that we're gone, but we'll be back in 2019.

The second sign, a bright orange "sandwich board" will be placed at the entrance to the driveway of Angevine MS on South Boulder Road, indicating where to enter the school property.

A second "sandwich board" will be placed in front of the main entrance of the school.

Reminder:  the entrance to Angevine is way north of the entrance off of South Boulder Road, at the opposite end of the building.  Look for the orange "sandwich board".  We'll be waiting for you there.

A big thank you to Kris Zoellner and Janet Meyer for their graphic design expertise.


  1. Question: What about property security and insurance?

    Answer: There will be a construction fence around the property & the contractor will work on security.

    We will carry "builders risk insurance" and "renter’s insurance" for our office space.
