Friday, July 21, 2017

Meeting with the Architects and 35' Holes on the Property? Not prairie dogs!

Meeting with the architects

Thursday night, at the Building Committee's regular meeting we met with 3 representatives from Barret Studio to brainstorm some conceptual ideas about remodeling the Fellowship.

David Barret, the principal architect explained why we had come together.

Thank you for joining us with open eyes and minds for our 
first conceptual design review meeting!
Our goal for this time together is to share with you what we see when we look at 
your property and begin a dialogue about locations and forms for a beautiful, 
inspirational and well-organized addition and remodel. We’ll be focusing on the 
‘big picture’, steering the conversation towards pro’s and con’s of various schemes.  
We’re eager to hear your feedback, this is an open forum!

Please make sure that you've marked September 10th on your calendar for a Town Hall Meeting to Meet the Architects, right after service. This will be your opportunity to hear more about possible conceptual designs.

35' Holes on the Property?  Not prairie dogs!

Click here:  A "Boring" Video Clip

There are now 2-35 foot deep holes (4 inch diameter) on the property, plugged with a piece of plywood, and covered with a pile of dirt around them.  Kevin the Borer has to return next week to check the holes for water table issues, so the holes are still, well, "holes".  They are well marked with an orange stick, please avoid and warn others.  They'll be filled next week.

 Unfortunately, the hole on the west side had to be drilled in a parking space.  The original site would have ended up going through our gas/electric/water/sewer lines.  Not good!   So, we moved the drill site about 3 feet to the west.  It is also well marked with an orange stick.

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