Friday, May 5, 2017

Additional Opportunity to Ask Questions Prior to the Stay/Go Vote.

There will be a Q and A session on, in front of the sanctuary,  Sunday, May 28th, after the single 10 AM service, from 11AM - 12 Noon.

Members of the Building Committee will be available to answer your questions regarding the Stay/Go vote to be held at the Annual Congregational Meeting on Saturday (NOT Sunday), June 3rd from 5-8 PM in the sanctuary.


  1. This time won't work because it is the day that we go to one service @ 10am. -Marc

  2. Hi Marc:
    Thanks for catching that. I'll email the Committee and we'll publish a new time for the Q&A. Appreciate your eagle eye. Regards, David

  3. After the single 10 AM service, from 11AM - 12 Noon.
