Monday, September 11, 2017

Meeting With The Lafayette City Planners Last Tuesday

Kevin Muller, of the Building Committee, and Rich Keilman, architect, met with the Lafayette city planners on Tuesday, 9/5/17, for about an hour to discuss conceptual plans prepared by Barrett Studios.  Their reception of the proposed addition and remodel was very positive.  Following are answers the city planners gave to six issues which were discussed:

1)The amount of seating is not increasing enough to require a Special Use review. Our plans, in the planners' views, indicate a continuation of an existing use. This significantly simplifies the review process.  

2) The process we need to go through before submitting plans for permit review is termed Site Plan and Architectural Review.  We have had one of two required pre-application meetings. The next one will be prior to submittal to make sure we have a complete application.  This will include:  landscape plans, parking plans, site plans with all required civil engineering, the site plan, a sample board, etc.

3) We would need to submit the application before the end of a given month in order to get on the Planning Commission agenda.  After Planning Commission approval it goes to City Council for their second meeting, the following month.  After council approval, we can submit for building permit review.  The whole process will take about three and a half to four months.

4)  There is no requirement for a community meeting for Site and Architecture Review.

5)  Chief landscape considerations will be:  fencing at the south of the property, significant screening on the northwest part of the parcel, storm water detention (to be in civil plans), additional street/site trees, ground cover in the southern prairie dog terrain.  The city does not have specific prairie dog mitigation policies.  Removal/relocation would require a state permit.
6)  Given this schedule, we would not need to submit for Site and Architectural review until after the New Year.

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