Friday, April 28, 2017

Focus on Architects

By the end of May, the Building Committee will have met with 3 different architectural firms.  We'll meet with each of them twice.   The first meeting is with Jim Highsmith and David Burrous.  This "greet and meet" usually lasts about 2 hours and gives us a chance to determine if we should recommend the firm for a formal interview in front of the entire Building Committee.

  • On Thursday, April 27th, the Building Committee spent most of their 2 hour meeting formally interviewing architectural team #2.   Needless to say, we had myriad questions for them and they were able to give us lots of answers, which sometimes generated more questions.  Yes, this feels a lot like rocket science!
  • On Friday, April 28th, Jim and David did a 2 hour "meet and greet" with architectural firm #3.  We'll recommend to the full Committee that this firm also make a formal presentation very soon.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Let's Survey the Kids!

We've surveyed the members of the Fellowship.  We've interviewed the paid staff members and the volunteers.  It seems like we've surveyed or interviewed everyone in the Fellowship.  But, there's one group of stake-holders that we left out:  the kids!  So, during the next couple of weeks the Building Committee will be working with the School of Spirit to invent creative ways of getting feedback from our young people.  More on this exciting project soon to come!

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

First Town Hall Meeting (April)

The first town hall meeting was held on Sunday, April 23rd from 12:15 - 1:15 p.m. at the Fellowship.  58 members were in attendance.  A Power Point was presented which outlined the results of the Congregational Survey.  After the presentation, there were myriad questions as all present attempted to take in all of the new information.  Then, the members formed themselves into groups of 3-5 and discussed the following questions:

Obviously, to implement all the building requirements we have gathered would cost more than we can afford. So we would like to generate discussion around items that will have a major influence on costs. In particular, additional square footage adds additional cost—quickly. Please discuss these questions in your group and be prepared to quickly summarize at the end.

1. Both the sanctuary and a social hall are large square footage spaces. Possibilities include separate spaces for each or some combination of spaces (some separate social hall space and combined space for larger events). How would you balance the two? Why?

2. Our current sanctuary seats about 150 people. Increasing the size to 200 would give us extra room but we would still need 2 services. We would need at least 250 seats to go to 1 service. The alternative might be to continue with two or possibly three services in the future if our congregation grows. How would you propose to balance the trade-offs in sanctuary size with other needs?

3. The requirements gathering indicated several ideas for dedicated space such as for a small chapel or choir room. What dedicated spaces are most important to you? How would you balance dedicated with multi-purpose spaces?

4. Architectural design greatly impacts cost. If we were to acquire an existing building that has plenty of space but is “boxy” as many commercial sites might be (think Flatirons church), how would you feel about that? The trade off might be the traditional aesthetics of places of worship: high ceilings, creative windows, wood beams, etc.

After 20 minutes of discussion, each of the small groups reported out.  That information was shared with members of the Committee and will be added to our growing list of suggestions by Congregation members.

Interviews with Architects, Realtors, & Project Managers

The Building Committee continues to work hard to gather information to enable the Congregation to make informed decisions about the future of our building/site.  We have interviewed 2 architects, 2 realtors, and a project manager.  In addition, committee members have visited spiritual centers in Lafayette, Boulder, and Longmont to gain perspectives about building and remodeling.  An electronic survey was launched on Thursday, April 6.  That survey closed on Sunday, April 16th and the committee has begun to analyze the data that was submitted.  We will have an abundance of data to share with the Congregation at the 1st Town Meeting on April 23rd at 12 noon in the Sanctuary as we all begin to make decisions about our future.

For the Congregational Survey Questions click here.

Congregational Survey Data Results

This is a link to the interview and "other" open ended questions that we presented at the April 23rd Town Hall Meeting #1: Click here


April 23, 2017  

    • Town Hall meeting #1 at 12:15 PM:

May 2017

    • Discussion:  We will discuss our work to date, outline the building requirements we have gathered from many sources, and discuss priorities.

May 22, 2017

    • Town Hall meeting #2 at 12:15pm:
    • Discuss our Stay/Go decision information.

May 23, 2017

    • Board meeting
      • Board to vote on Building Committee’s Stay/Go recommendation.
      • Board vote also needed on initial funding for architectural work (around $50,000).
      • Vote could be contingent on congregational vote at the annual meeting. Late September or Early October

End of May, 2017

    • Choose the Architect

Late September/Early October 2017

    • Capital Campaign Feasibility Study:  We need to run our capital campaign feasibility in late September or early October if we want to do a capital campaign next spring.

June 2017

    • Architectural Work:  Therefore, we need to get architectural work started as early in June as possible, right after the congregational vote, to have concept drawings and cost estimates to use in the feasibility study.

June 3, 2017

    • Annual Congregational Meeting
      • Congregational vote on Stay/Go decision

July 2017

    • Board Meeting
      • Vote on conducting the capital campaign feasibility study & budget for that.

Early September 2017

    • Town Hall #3
      • Presentation of architectural building concepts prior to the feasibility study.

Late September/Early October 2017

    • Capital Campaign Feasibility Study