Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Week 38: Remember Me

NB:  We hope to have our first service in the new sanctuary at the Fellowship on Sunday, January 19th.  Stay Tuned.

38th Weekly Progress

  1. Hanging drywall in School of Spirit wing& starting to hang hard ceiling.
  2. Installing exit/return air ducts to heat pump in sanctuary.
  3. Finished insulating ceiling of Fellowship hall.  
  4. Protecting sprinkler heads and beams in sanctuary prior to spraying insulation.
  5. Working in Fellowship Hall installing switches for overhead lights.  

NB2:  The building is "sealed".  That means that the roof is finished, the windows are in place, the doorways are either sealed with a door or a piece of plywood.  The contractor has several industrial size heaters running.  Therefore, sub-contractors can work inside the building and are not affected by the cold weather.

To see the latest Building Committee video clip, click here:  Remember Me