Friday, December 15, 2017

Houston - We have liftoff!

Wow!  A busy week for your Building Committee.

  1. On Thursday night, at their bi-weekly meeting, the committee discussed and voted on a builder for the remodeling and expansion project.  The vote was a unanimous 7-0 for one of the builders.  After a few courtesy calls to inform all parties involved of our decision, we will reveal the name of our builder.
  2. Our architectural firm, Barrett Studio, has engaged a landscaping expert and a civil engineer.  Members of the committee spent time with them on Tuesday, walked the property and brainstormed ideas.  We're very please with both of these additions to our team. Barrett will also engage an acoustician* to make sure that the acoustics in the new sanctuary are of the highest quality. (*Join a Fellowship committee... learn new words... increase your vocabulary.)
  3. Members of the committee have also been meeting with a local realtor to generate ideas for our transition time.  During construction, we will need to move the services of the Fellowship office to another site for 6-10 months.  The realtor is looking for a site that is close, perhaps in downtown Lafayette.  The committee also is looking for a local site for Sunday services, School of the Spirit, and various other committee meetings during the transition time.
We're excited about the progress on our Fellowship project ... even though it sometimes seems to us like we're turtles slogging through molasses!