Wednesday, May 16, 2018

City Council Approves Both Site Plan and Special Use Review!

Several members of the Building Committee and the Board attended last night's (May 15th) City Council Meeting and Public Hearing for the Special Use Review and Site Plan/Architectural Review of the Fellowship's major renovation project.

Rich, our architect, did an excellent job of presenting an overview of the entire project.

Rev. Lydia commented on the city's value of striving to be a connected community with the values inherent in the Fellowship's vision.

Kevin spoke about his family's search for a liberal and welcoming congregation and found it in the Fellowship, but noticed early on that we're lacking in space.

David spoke to the importance of maintaining good communication with our neighbors during construction.  His presentation (David's Speech to City Council) is listed in the menu on the right side of this page entitled Important Sites to Visit.
After much discussion, the City Council voted and  
We cheered!