Friday, August 25, 2017

Build It With Legos! Why Didn't I Think Of That?

A conversation between me and my 3-year old grandson as I'm on my way out the door to a Building Committee meeting:

He:  Where you going Pop Pop?
Me:  To a meeting.
He:  Where's your meeting?
Me:  At the Fellowship.
He:  What's the meeting about?
Me:  We're going to remodel the building.
He:  Why?  Did it fall down?
Me:  No, we just need to remodel it and add on some rooms.
He:  Pop Pop, I'll do that for you.  I'll build you a new church with my Legos!

Oh, if it were only that simple!

4:30 pm:  Members of the Music Committee, Barrett Studio, and the Building Committee met on Thursday to review issues related to the possible location of the choir in the sanctuary, placement of musical instruments and electronic amplification.  Also discussed were ideas related to storage of music and office space for Music staff.   We ended the meeting by reviewing options for the sound board.

7:00 pm:  The Building Committee had their regular Thursday evening meeting.  Much of the meeting was focused on organizing the September 10th, Town Hall Meeting at 12:30 pm in the sanctuary.  This is the meeting where Barrett Studio will unveil the first iteration of the conceptual plan for the refurbished and extended Fellowship building.  The anticipation is building, no pun intended, and we're all looking forward to seeing more complete architectural plans and 3D designs.  You don't want to miss this meeting!  A light luncheon will be served and there will be child care available.  More on this later.

Town Hall Meeting with Barrett Studio Architects: 

Sunday, September 10th, 12:30-2:00 pm, in the Sanctuary

Other important dates to mark on your calendar:
  • October 6-8—Financial Feasibility Study by Kay Crider (interviews)
  • October 23—Report from Kay Crider
  • November 12 (changed)—Congregational meeting to approve Capital Campaign goals (tentative) 
  • December 1st weekend—Major Givers Event (tentative)


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